
Gastric Bypass

This surgery makes the stomach smaller, allowing food to bypass part of the small intestine. It results in patients feeling full more quickly. Following the surgery, a patient usually eats less and absorbs fewer calories. This is one of many bariatric surgery options at Crescent City Surgical Centre.

Gastric Band

A gastric band is an inflatable device placed around the top of the stomach in a laparoscopic procedure. This device causes a patient to feel full sooner. No portion of the stomach is stapled or removed in this procedure, allowing for a shorter hospital stay and a faster recovery.

Gastric Sleeve

This is a laparoscopic procedure (meaning a small incision or incisions as opposed to a large one) that removes about 85% of the stomach, causing it to take the shape of a sleeve. Most people who have gastric sleeve surgery lose 50% to 80% of their excess body weight within a year of the procedure.

Duodenal Switch

This procedure has two parts – a restrictive aspect that removes approximately 70% of the stomach and a malabsorptive aspect that reroutes a portion of the small intestine. This reduces the amount of time the body can capture calories from food and limits the absorption of fat. After the surgery, patients only absorb roughly 20% of the fat they consume.

Revisional Surgery

While most bariatric procedures are successful, there is occasionally the need for a revision. For patients who suffer from minimal weight loss or weight gain after a procedure, revisional surgery is available to correct any issues and help the patients to lose the weight they desire.

POSE (Primary Obesity Surgery Endoscopic)

This is a new type of transoral weight loss surgery that mimics the effects of standard bariatric surgeries by restricting the amount of nutrients the stomach can absorb. However, POSE accesses the stomach via a tube through the mouth or nose instead of cutting into the stomach, allowing for minimal downtime for the patient and no abdominal scarring.